Services and Projects
Quinel - Vertedero Zona 3 - Ciudad Guatemala
Storm collector collapsed several months ago à
In winter +50mt3/sec of water cross the landfill until they reach Rio la Barranca dragging the garbage from the landfill
Construction/repair of RMR rainfall collector à Construction started and will take ~3 years to build
Quinel to divert rainwater while building rainwater collector
Quinel finished since May 2023, shotcrete coating to be applied in jul-Aug 2023
​Bio Barda Motagua River - Guatemala
The Motagua River has a length of 487km, one of the longest rivers in Guatemala.
This watershed passes through 55 protected areas, comprising 16.52% of the country's total
Between 10,000 to 15,000 tons/year leave the Zona 3 Landfill plus the Las VacasRiver.
There are 6 initiatives, involving 3 of the 20 most important global players. They extract around 1,360 tons/year, representing 10%.
All the material that is not stopped with the actions in the landfill zone 3 and actions on the Las Vacas river will also have a retention point in the Quetzalito zone that will allow the floating waste to be captured to ensure that nothing ends up in the oceans.
Retention and redirection Barrier
Mechanical Extraction system
Waste recognition via AI technology
Retention point
Develop new retention point
Motagua Deep dive Analysis
~10,000TN annual waste ends up in the ocean and coasts of Guatemala. Rio Vacas represents +80% of the pollution of Motagua and the main drainage of the city. Villages and ecosystems that use this water source are also affected.
Previous studies and organizations have collection systems in place that, although none have managed to solve the problem, provide information to improve the systems. In summer the harvesting models work, in winter they collapse.
There are few projects on waste management (manufacture of poles, energy fuel, return to landfill) and the existing ones are not sustainable over time.
Today the garbage collection in the city (yellow trucks) is already capturing much of the recyclable materials. Even so, much material ends up in the rivers and basins of the city.
There is a Government Agreement to regulate and regulate environmental protection but there is no evidence of progress or compliance.
Guatemala is already in the eye of international entities for the pollution of the river and the ocean and the possible sanctions that arise in the future in international agreements
In March 2023, the company Ichthion was hired as a technological partner to carry out a study and diagnosis on the entire basin of the city and the MotaguaRiver.
As a result of this study, 4 major actions emerged:
Construction/repair of RMR rainfall collector à Construction started and will take ~3 years to build
Quinelto divert rainwater while building rainwater collector BioBardaextraction using Ichthiontechnology on the Quetzalitosector, Izabal
Design barriers to support platforms in landfill to prevent garbage from falling into the ravine river